Wednesday, March 24, 2010

12 week update!

Today was the without a doubt one of the best days of both of our lives! I can't help but think constantly about how blessed we are and how perfect "Our Life Together" is. I have to admit I was a little nervous about today's appointment, the 12 week mark is such a milestone. At the beginning of the ultrasound Baby Nutter was fast asleep and all we could see was the back of the head, the spine and the butt. He/She couldn't care less that we were there for him/her to put on a show. After a few minutes of the ultrasound tech looking around and taking measurements of his/her head Neal and I tried talking to him/her and as soon as I started laughing, the baby was wide awake! He/She rolled over, stared at the camera, then rolled right back over and went back to sleep. (Already has an attitude!) Thankfully, a few seconds later he/she was there for the party... flipping around, kicking and waving those little arms. Maybe one or two tears from me but his/her show got a lot of laughs from both of us.

The first picture is the mean stare we got for giving a wake up call. The second is my very favorite, the bottoms of 2 tiny feet. And the third picture is a side profile of the whole body, a whole 3 inches long. The doctor said everything looked great today, 2 arms, 2 legs, little fingers and little toes! We also got to see his/her brain and fast beating heart, 166 bpm.

As for us, we couldn't be happier! The morning sickness is gone, my pants won't be buttoning again until about November, and my hormones remind Neal daily that I can go from sweet to angry at any moment. Next ultrasound isn't until May... after that appointment, I won't have to say "he/she" anymore, it will either be Jack or Ella. I still think Ella and Neal insists it will be a Jack, we'll see!